Surge Protection in Batavia OH

Get an Electrician for Surge Protection

When you think of a power surge, most homeowners think of a bad storm. While lightning can cause a blackout in your home, there are a lot of potential causes for a surge. That’s why surge protectors are so important to keep your appliances safe.

To make things even more complicated, many people don’t know that there are different types of surge protectors. You’re probably familiar with the typical ones, but whole home surge protectors are what our experts recommend for maximum results.

Electricity fluctuates often, so you might not realize how many surges happen. The truth is that your home probably has dozens of them over the course of a year. They’re not as noticeable as one that causes a power outage, but they can cause expensive damages.

That’s because the small surges add up on your appliances. This can lead to repairs or replacements being needed. You’ve got 2 main options to keep your home safe and possibly save money:

  1. Power strip surge protector. While our electrician advises against a normal power strip, because it could overload your circuit, if you have to use a power strip you might as well protect your electronics.
  2. Whole home surge protector. When you want to make sure your house is secure, this is installed by a professional onto your electric panel. It’s a little more expensive than other options, but the savings over time could far outweigh that cost.

If you want the peace of mind of knowing your electronics are safer, we can help. We offer surge protection service in Batavia, OH and surrounding areas because we care. When you’re ready for us to put our experience to work for you, give Turner On Services a call today!

Feel Secure with an Electrician Near Me

Chances are you’ve never had a whole home surge protector, but these offer the most protection. That’s not to say that a power strip surge protector isn’t effective, it just wouldn’t keep everything in your home safer.

Our team can recommend which one is best for your electrical needs. It mostly comes down to how many devices and appliances you have but, in most cases, a whole home version is your best bet. Here’s why:

  1. Peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about things that aren’t on your power strip during a storm or if a transformer blows. That’s not to mention the numerous mini-surges throughout the year.
  2. They might cost a little more, but everything in your home is protected. That means fewer repairs and replacements, which could add up to a lot of savings.
  3. Higher quality of protection for your appliances.

If you’re still on the fence about which surge protection service in Batavia, OH is right for you, feel free to give us a call today! Talk to our electrician with any questions you have, or get started with an estimate.

We’ll Protect Your Home from Power Surges

When it comes to any home improvement, we understand that you want to know what you’re getting. After the inspection and estimate, our electrician will install a box near your electrical panel. It may not seem like much, but that box works overtime to keep your home safe.

The way it works is that, anytime it senses a shift in voltage, it diverts electricity. By grounding excess voltage, whether from lightning to a small surge, it saves your appliances. You’ll need a professional for the installation, but these boxes can pay for themselves many times.

Even better news is that our team has been doing this for a long time. We know the best manufacturers that make quality products. We can help you find the best whole home surge protector for your needs.

If you consider how many appliances and devices you have in your home, there’s a lot that can get damaged or broken. The best option is to prevent needing to replace expensive appliances in the first place.

Photo of Professional Surge Protection in Batavia, OH

There’s also the wiring to worry about. One wrong surge and any improper or outdated wiring could spark. Electrical fires can have many causes, including malfunctioning appliances and an electrical panel replacement being ignored.

We can help with all of those problems and more, but so can a whole house surge protector. This device can keep you safe between our annual inspection, so don’t wait. Call us today and know that your electronics are in the best hands!

Benefits of Whole Home Surge Protection Service in Batavia, OH

We mentioned them briefly earlier, but there are a lot of ways that a whole home surge protector can help. When you let an electrician near me install your box, you can trust that it’s done correctly. You’ll also get the most benefits out of your surge protection over the years.

As much as 80 percent of power surges start inside your home or business, according to NEMA. Since they’re inside, that means that lightning and natural occurrences don’t make up a majority. Small surges can come from bad wiring, malfunctions, or uneven electricity flow. It could even be something as random as static electricity.

Whatever the cause, the outcome is the same: A small surge of electricity that could damage your electronics. While one may not do anything, these surges can add up and render your appliances useless. Keep in mind that lightning strikes also happen, so that’s a lot to worry about. Those massive power surges can wreak havoc on your home’s electronics. 

An overloaded circuit or arc flash through wiring from a power surge could cause an electrical fire, too. What many people don’t know is that a power strip surge protector isn’t designed for major fluctuations. They can handle the smaller problems, but large power shifts can overwhelm a power strip. However, whole home surge protectors are built for everything. 

If you get a lot of storms in your area or want the best protection, call our electrician today! Turner On Services has a team of professionals that can recommend the best products to keep you and your electronics safe!

Let an Electrician Take Care of You

It’s important to feel secure when you’re at home, whether it’s been a long day at work or there’s a bad storm. 

If you hear lightning, the last thing you want to worry about is how much damage it might do to your appliances.

While there are actions you can take to help, like unplugging things or having a whole home generator installed, you still want to feel safe.

We care about our customers and want the best for them. That’s why you should let us give you surge protection service in Batavia, OH. 

Since you can plug in a power strip, you might end up spending anywhere from $15 to $40 for a good one. However, that’s for each one.

Photo of Expert Surge Protection in Batavia, OH

Considering all the appliances and devices you have, and to avoid overloading a circuit, you could need multiple power strips. Now you’re looking at a couple hundred dollars. That’s before you get to damages from any big surge that comes through.

On average, a whole home surge protector can cost around $500 with $200 being the low end. That may sound like a big difference, but you’re protecting everything from any type of power surge. Power strips can’t be used for major appliances that rely on your electric panel, like the HVAC unit, stove, washer and dryer, or the oven. Those are some heavy hitters in the financial department to replace.

With our expertise, we’ll also make sure that your surge protection service in Batavia, OH is installed correctly. If you want the cost-effective option to keep your home safe, give us a call today!

Get Surge Protection Service in Batavia, OH and Surrounding Areas

We understand that it costs more to get a whole house surge protector. As opposed to the power strip variety, it might look like a lot more, but it’s much more cost-efficient. You’d have to have a power strip for each major appliance to make it remotely effective.

Even then, the power strip can’t handle major surges so you could end up having to replace a refrigerator, washer, dryer, and TV at once. While a power strip is good to protect one or two things, you’re better off letting our electrician install a whole home surge protector.

Technology advances every day. We live in homes with smart devices now, which work great. Unfortunately, they’re also more expensive. If you rely on power strip surge protectors, a single lightning strike could mean thousands in repairs or replacements.

Compared to the protection that a $200 or $700 box could cost, a whole home surge protector is worth every penny. Not to mention the added security you’ll feel with one in your home. You can also trust our experience and expertise on the matter.

Call Turner On Services today and let our electrician get started! We’ll make sure that everything is installed safely and correctly. We’ll also recommend the top products to make sure all of your appliances and electronics are as safe as possible!

Don’t forget to ask about our lighting servicesgenerator installation services, and smart home technology!

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